Come to REVIVE at FAITH on Wednesdays @ 6:00pm
Join us for WORSHIP on Sundays @ 10:30am
To become a fellowship of believers who are experiencing the transforming power of the Gospel, and are instruments of renewal in the lives of others.
To reach people for Christ and equip them to serve.
Principles of Ministry
These Principles are the heart of what we are trying to communicate to our people. These are "the fundamentals" that will keep us on track as we attempt to reach and equip men and women.
God speaks through His Word, He inspires His communication to us. What He says is infallible and inerrant. Therefore we should listen to Him and respond in faith and live lives that are deeply devoted to Him and His purposes. All of the Scriptures are ultimately about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the full revelation of God.
Union with Christ
By grace through faith in Jesus Christ, a person is actually united to Christ. All that Jesus Christ has accomplished and secured through his life, death, and resurrection is shared with the believer by virtue of this union.
An act of God's free grace, in which He pardons all our sins and judges us to be righteous, due to Jesus Christ's righteousness imputed to us, when we receive Him by faith alone.
The process by which God makes us what He wants us to be, how this growth occurs, and the proper place of good works in the Christian life.
The fulfillment of the work of God in us, where He perfects us in holiness and brings us into perfect fellowship with Himself, when Jesus Christ comes again.
Goals of Ministry
It is important to realize that the purpose of Faith Presbyterian Church finds expression in four main goals. These goals 1) indicate specific areas in which reaching and equipping take place, and 2) enable us to assess in tangible ways whether or not our purpose in ministry is accomplished. Our goals help evaluate whether an individual is moving towards or away from Christ and His Church, and guide us in helping them love and serve Christ and His Church.
Growth in Grace
People are growing in knowledge and grace through the means of grace (reading of the Word, preaching and teaching of the Word, prayer, sacraments, and worship).
Mission and Evangelism
People are using their gifts for reaching others and growing in their concern for the lost, here and throughout the world.
Fellowship and Service
People are experiencing genuine involvement with other Christians and responding to those in need.
Biblical Worldview
People are developing a view of life, which relates everything to God and His word.
Our Presuppositions
Influencing the way the ministry of Faith Presbyterian Church is carried out are certain presuppositions. Presuppositions are understood assumptions of fact, which affect our approach to ministry and the expression and style of our ministry to people in our church and community. There are six fundamental presuppositions:
Bible and Theology
Nature of the Bible
Scripture (the Old and New Testaments of the Bible) is absolutely and verbally inspired by God and thus inerrant and infallible in all that it asserts to be true. It is our only rule of faith and practice. Not only what we teach but also what we do and why and how we do it should be firmly based upon the scriptures.
We carry out our teaching and ministry from a specific theological perspective, sometimes referred to as the Reformed faith, a helpful summary of which is to be found in the documents known as The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. We hold to these not because we wish to follow a tradition for its own sake, but because we believe that they express in a systematic form the teachings of Scripture, which alone are infallible and ultimately authoritative.
Content of the Bible - The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ, because Jesus, the Son of God, is the eternal Word. According to God’s self-revelation, Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh (Phil. 2). Looking to Jesus, therefore we learn:
Yahweh is eternally humble.
Yahweh is eternally community, because God was, is, and always will be multi-personal. The divine community of the Trinity is one of perfect, humble, other-centered love.
Yahweh is good.
Yahweh is faithful. He is a covenant-keeping God.
The Word takes on flesh to rescue His people from present evil age and to renew us for life in glorious age to come. To this end He justifies us (declares us to be righteous, good like God) and sanctifies us (lives out His life of goodness, humility and love in and through us).
The Church
Inasmuch as the Great Commission has been given to God’s Church and not to any other agency or institution, it is the responsibility of the Church to do the work of ministry.
The process of ministry to individuals should and must involve their assimilation into the visible body of the Church as expressed in the local church, in which they
Are built up by the proclamation of the Gospel and
See modeling of progress in terms of the goals of our ministry.
God's Work
God is at work accomplishing His purpose in this world and He cannot be thwarted by anyone or anything in the accomplishment of that purpose.
Because God is at work, the Church is progressing through the processes of evangelism and edification.
God is working primarily by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word.
This is true regardless of how things appear to us.
There is a real spiritual battle occurring in which we are carrying out warfare with Satan and His forces.
We do not think that the effectiveness of the ministry or the accomplishment of our goals is directly dependent upon our strength, gifts, abilities, or wisdom. God uses us in our weakness, and he accomplishes the goals. We must faithfully, prayerfully, and obediently act with dependence upon the Holy Spirit, pointing people to God’s Word.
The Individual
There is unity among individuals as members of the Body of Christ, and therefore believers share many common characteristics (cf. Eph 4:4-6). However, there is great diversity among individuals, in both officers and congregants, with respect to gifts, ability, personality, spiritual states, problems, etc.
With respect to materials, methods, and strategy, we are flexible and use many different types, taking into account the individual characteristics of both those doing the ministering (officers, staff and members) and those to whom they are ministering. We meet people where they are and do not force on them standardized, “assembly line” programs. Our methods, strategy, and materials are tailored to the individuals’ needs and the personality and abilities of the officer or member doing ministry.
Learning Process
We have a certain understanding of the learning process, including what learning is, its implications for the nature of saving faith, the elements of the process, how it is implemented, and the implications of these things for the operation of the church, the roles of those involved with it, and the functions of the various avenues of ministry (large group, small groups, one-to-one).
A correct understanding of this learning process is vital to implementation of strategies and methods most conducive to its occurrence, as well as avoidance of certain misconceptions and pitfalls common to ministry, including the impartation of false assurance, lack of integrity between the doctrine and lifestyle of the groups, ineffective teaching methods, “dead” orthodoxy, etc.
We are not satisfied in ministry to people when they exhibit mere “head knowledge” or the ability verbally to articulate certain concepts. In assessing whether ministry goals are being realized, we must look for indications of commitment to such concepts. Our goal is transformed lives, not simply increased knowledge.
The materials and methods we employ are carefully devised both to expect and to promote commitment to the truth as well as knowledge of the truth. Effort should be made not only to present ideas, but also to cause individuals to wrestle with those ideas themselves so that they come to an understanding using their own reasoning abilities. In short, we should encourage people to think, not simply tell them what to think.
We are patient with people as they wrestle with deep truths, acknowledging that we had to wrestle with those same truths for varying amounts of time.
Our ability to minister is affected by demographic factors including the personality of the community, the types of people who make up the community, and the gifts and characteristics of the officers and staff. These affect what can be done and the style of ministry and methods employed.
We resist the tendency to become motivated purely by a desire to produce certain numbers of people or to assess the effectiveness or success of a given church in terms of what is happening in another church.
We focus on being faithful in what God has called us to do in terms of the goals of the ministry, not on artificially conceived goals or expectations.
We minister to the people who God brings to us and to whom He creates the opportunity to minister, rather than seek out a certain preconceived (or favorite) type of church member.